Scalable fabrication of in-plane microscale self-powered integrated systems for fast-response and highly selective dual-channel gas detection
X.Y. Shi 1, J.Y. Chang 1, J.Q. Qin, H.Q. Liu, X. Zhang, Y.W. Ma, J. He, X.J. Chou, L. Feng*, Z.-S. Wu*, X.H. Bao
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Ultrarapid Synthesis Ni-Cu Bifunctional Electrocatalyst by Self-Etching Electrodeposition for High-Performance Water Splitting Reaction
J.J. Niu, Y.L. Yue, C.W. Yang, Y. Wang, J.Q. Qin, X.Y. Zhang, and Z.-S. Wu Applied Surface Science, 2021, 561, 150030. DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2021.150030 [PDF ]
A Safe, Low-cost and High-efficiency Presodiation Strategy for Pouch-type Sodium-ion Capacitors with high energy density
C.K. Sun, X. Zhang*, C. Li, K. Wang, X.Z. Sun, F.Y. Liu, Z.-S. Wu, Y. Ma*
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Super-aligned films of sub-1 nm Bi2O3-polyoxometalate nanowires as interlayers in lithium-sulfur batteries
S.M. Zhang, H.D. Shi, J.W. Tang, W.X. Shi*, Z.-S. Wu*, X. Wang* Science China Materials, 2021, 64, 2949–2957. DOI: 10.1007/s40843-021-1688-7 [PDF ]
General synthesis of hollow mesoporous conducting polymers by dual-colloid interface co-assembly for high-energy-density micro-supercapacitors
J. Cui, F.-F. Xing,H. Luo,J.-Q. Qin, Yan Li, Y.H. Zhong, F.C. Wei, J.W. Fu, C.B. Jing, J.G. Cheng, Z.-S. Wu*, and S.H. Liu* Journal of Energy Chemistry, 2021, 62, 145-152. DOI: 10.1016/j.jechem.2021.03.016 [PDF ]
In-situ and Operando Characterizations of 2D Materials in Electrochemical Energy Storage Devices
C.X. Meng, P. Das, X.Y. Shi, Q. Fu,* K. Müllen,* and Z.-S. Wu* Small Science, 2021, 1, 2000076. DOI: 10.1002/smsc.202000076 [PDF ]
Oxygen Defect Enriched (NH4)2V10O25•8H2O Nanosheets for Superior Aqueous Zinc‐Ion Batteries
J. Cao, D.D. Zhang, Y.L. Yue, X. Wang, T. Pakornchote, T. Bovornratanaraks, X.Y. Zhang*, Z.-S. Wu*, J.Q. Qin* Nano Energy, 2021, 84, 105876. DOI: 10.1016/j.nanoen.2021.105876 [PDF ]
A Three-dimensional Polyoxometalate/Graphene Aerogel as a Highly Efficient and Recyclable Absorbent for Oil/Water Separation
S. Wang, X. Wang, X.Y. Shi, C.X. Meng, C.L. Sun*, Z.-S. Wu* New Carbon Materials, 2021, 36, 189-197. DOI: 10.1016/S1872-5805(21)60013-6 [PDF ]
Room-temperature Fast Assembly of 3D Macroscopically Porous Graphene Frameworks for Binder-free Compact Supercapacitors with High Gravimetric and Volumetric Capacitances
S. Wang, X. Wang, C.L. Sun*, Z.-S. Wu* Journal of Energy Chemistry, 2021, 61, 23-28. DOI: 10.1016/j.jechem.2021.01.019 [PDF ]
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy study of lithium-ion capacitors: Modeling and capacity fading mechanism
X.H. Zhang, X. Zhang*, X.Z. Sun, Y.B. An, S. Song, C. Li, K. Wang, F.Y. Su, C.-M. Chen, F.Y. Liu, Z.-S. Wu, Y.W. Ma Journal of Power Sources, 2021, 488, 229454. DOI: 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2021.229454 [PDF ]