We are currently looking for highly qualified Scientific Staff, Post-Docs, Ph.D & Master students.
If you are highly qualified and motivated applicants with great ambition and strong willingness to join our group, please send your CV and a brief statement of your interest to wuzs#dicp.ac.cn.
Funding Opportunities of Postdoctoral Research Training Program are opening for the excellent postdoctoral applicants. More information can be found here [PDF].
1. Postdoctoral Innovation Talents Program (Salary 400,000 RMB/two years, 200,000 RMB for research funding)
2. CPSF-CAS Joint Foundation for Excellent Postdoctoral Fellows (200,000 RMB/person for research funding)
3. DICP Excellent Postdoctoral Program (Salary 100,000 ~ 300,000 RMB/year)
For Applications of Post-Docs
This project is related to solving the fundamental scientific problems of creation and development of new methods of graphene and 2D materials with unique nanostructure and morphology for novel-concept electrochemical energy storage devices with unprecedented performance beyond the state of the art. Therefore, we are seeking highly motivated postdoc candidates with strong experimental skills and solid background in 2D materials and energy devices.
Desired Skills and Experience
Potential post-docs candidates are expected to be able to independently tackle challenges and possess two or more desired aspects below:
• Applicants are required to have a PhD (or candidate of science) in inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, electrochemistry, materials science, materials chemistry, and experience on graphene and graphene-like 2D materials, and other advanced nanomaterials; and energy storage and conversion devices (Li-ion/Li-S/Li-Air/metal-based batteries, supercapacitors, ORR/OER/HER);
• Design, fabrication and characterization of electrochemical energy storage devices or electronic devices based on graphene and 2D materials;
• Knowledge of English: fluent reading of scientific literature in English is desirable;
• Applicants must have publications in peer reviewed journals, h-index is not less than 2;
• Other requirements: knowledge of project preparation and mathematical software (Matlab, Origin, Photoshop) and knowledge of electrochemical methods of analysis (electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, cyclic voltammetry, galvanostatic charge and discharge curves).
These are full-time, benefits-eligible positions appointed on a 2-year service basis. The initial appointment is for two years with the possibility of extension based on performance and funding. The anticipated start date is as soon as possible. Salary is commensurate with experience and qualifications.
To apply, please submit a cover letter including a description of research expertise, complete C.V. to Prof. Wu (wuzs@dicp.ac.cn).
Click here to see detailed postdoctoral application guideline
Excellent Postdoctoral Researchers at home and abroad are always opening, and highly competitive annual salary will be provided. See more details below or click the link【PDF】

Post-doctors Stand out Process required in DICP @ CAS
Location of our group with URL Link