F.N. Dai, X.K. Wang, S.H. Zheng, J.P. Sun, Z.D. Huang, B. Xu, L.L. Fan, R.M. Wang, D.F. Sun*, and Z.-S. Wu*
Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 413, 127520.
DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2020.127520 [PDF]

Dueto the advantages of ultrahigh power density, long lifespan and easy integration with wearable and microscale electronics, micro-supercapacitors (MSCs) have attracted great interestin recent years. However, new high-performance electrode materials for such micro-electrochemical energy storage devicesrequire deep excavation. Herein, we precisely synthesizeda new 3D bulk MOF and new 2DultrathinMOFnanosheets with a thickness of less than 10 nm,and utilizedthemas high-capacitance microelectrode materialsfor sophisticated all-solid-state MSC devices respectively. Notably,the MSCs based on MOFnanosheetsdisplayed a high areal capacitance of 28.3 mF·cm-2, and a volumetric capacitance of 15.7 F·cm-3at 0.2 mA·cm-2.Especially, our MSCs exhibited remarkable energy density of 8.7 mWh·cm-3at a power density of 110.3 mW·cm-3, and excellent cycling lifespans with retention of 96.0% after 10,000 cycles, andall performances are better than theMSCs based onMOFbulks. Thisworkprovides a new waytofurther explorethe inherent advantages of MOFs and stimulates the synthesis of advanced MOFsmaterialsforapplicationinmicroscale energy storage.