
Prof. Dr. Xinhe Bao (Academician)

Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP)

Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)

Tel : 0086-(0)411 8468 6637

Fax : 0086-(0)411 8469 4447

E-mail: xhbao#dicp.ac.cn


Research Interests

Research activity focuses mainly on the surface chemistry and energy-related catalysis, including:

  1. Surface chemistry and model Catalysis

  2. Catalysis of nano-confined systems, e.g. nano particles and porous materials

  3. Activation and conversion of methane

  4. Selective oxidation of hydrocarbons

  5. Conversion of coal-based syngas (CO/H2)

  6. Catalytically selective oxidation of CO

  7. Fuel cell related catalysis


  1. Professor and Group Leader in the State Key Laboratory of Catalysis

  2. Chief Scientist of National Key Project of Fundamental Research "Catalytic basis on optimal utilization of natural gas and coal-based methane"

  3. Principal Investigator of the BP-CAS "Clean Energy Facing the Future" Program

  4. Head of Partner Group on "Nano-technology in Catalysis" between Fritz-Haber-Institut der MPG (Germany) and the Dalian

  5. Institute of Chemical Physics (CAS)

  6. Dean of the department of Chemical Physics, University of Science and Technology of China

  7. Member of the Degree assessment committee of the State Council

Educational Background

1987 Ph.D. in Chemistry Chemistry Department, Fudan University, Shanghai, China

1982 B.S. in Chemistry Chemistry Department, Fudan University, Shanghai, China

Working Experience

2017.06 - Present President of University of Science and Technolgy of China 

2015.07 - 2017.05 Exexutive Vice President of Fudan Unversity, China 

2009.03 - 2014.05 Present President of Shenyang Branch of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China 

2000.08 - 2007.03 Director of Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Dalian, China 

1995.07 - Present  Professor in the State Key Laboratory of Catalysis, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Dalian, China 

1991.06 - 1995.07 Guest scientist at the Fritz-Haber- Institut der MPG, Berlin, Germany 

1989.12 - 1991.05 Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow in the Fritz-Haber-Institut der MPG, Berlin, Germany 

1989.08 - 1989.12 Goethe Institute in Goettingen, Germany 

1987.08 - 1989.07 Lecturer in the Chemistry Department, Fudan University, Shanghai, China

Awards and honors

  1. Natural Science Award, National Education Committee ,1987 

  2. Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany, 1989 

  3. Distinguished Young Scientist Foundation, National Nature Science Foundation of China, 1995 

  4. Guest Professor, Dalian University of Science and Technology, 1995 

  5. Honorary Professor, Wuhan University, 1996 

  6. Distinguished Young Scientist, QiuShi Foundation, Hong Kong , 1996 

  7. Outstanding Expert of Dalian City, 2000 

  8. Guest Professor of Fudan University, 2001 

  9. Outstanding Expert of Liaoning Province , 2001 

  10. Natural Science award of Liaoning Province, 2003 

  11. National Natural Science Award(2nd class) , 2005 

  12. Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, 2009 

  13. Natural Science award of Liaoning Province(1st class), 2009 

  14. Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2009 

  15. Honorary Professor, Macau University of Science and Technology, 2010 

  16. IMNI Distinguished Lecturer of Brown University, 2011 

  17. Member of TWAS, 2011 

  18. Visiting Professor of National University of Singapore, 2012 

  19. Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation for scientific and Technological Progress Award in Chemistry, 2012 

  20. Distinguished University Visiting Professor, Hong Kong Baptist University, 2014 

  21. Top 10 Science Progresses in China for the work on methane direct conversion, 2014 

  22. Top 10 Science and Technology News in China for the work on methane direct conversion, 2014 

  23. Award in Basic Science from Zhou Guang Zhao Foundation, 2015 

  24. Outstanding Science and Technology Acheivement Prize of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2015 

  25. 5th Chemistry Contribution Prize of Chinese Chemical Society-China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation, 2016 

  26. Award for Excellence in Natural Gas Conversion, 2016 27. Alwin Mittasch Prize, 2017

Other duties

  1. Member of the 9th and 10th National People's Congress 

  2. Executive Committee Member of the Chinese Society of Chemistry 

  3. Editor-in-Chief (with Prof. Gabriele Centi) of the Journal of Energy Chemistry (Elsevier) 

  4. Associate Editor-in-Chief of Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica 

  5. Associate Editor-in-Chief of the Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics

  6. Editorial Board Member, Surface Science Reports (Elsevier) 

  7. International Advisory Board Member, Angewandte Chemie International Edition (German Chemical Society, GDCh) 

  8. Advisory Board Member, Energy & Environmental Science (RSC) 

  9. Advisory Board Member, Nano Energy (Elsevier) 

  10. Advisory Board Member, Nano Research (Qinghua & Springer) 

  11. International Advisory Board Member, The Chemical Record (Wiley-VCH) 

  12. Editorial board members, Catalysis Science & Technology (RSC)

  13. International Advisory Board Member, ChemCatChem (ChemPubSoc Wurope/Wiley-VCH) 

  14. Editorial Advisory Board Member, ChemPhyChem (Wiley) 

  15. Advisory Board Member, Chemical Science (RSC) 

  16. Advisory Board Member, Energy Technology(Wiley-VCH) 

  17. Executive Editorial Board Member, Chinese Journal of Chemistry(Wiley-VCH) 

  18. Scientific Advisory Board Member, Catalysis Letter (Springer)

  19. Scientific Advisory Board Member, Topics in Catalysis(Springer) 

  20. Advisory Board Member, Chemical Engineering & Technology(Wiley-VCH) 

  21. Advisory Editorial Board Member, Surface Science (Elsevier) 

  22. Editorial Board Member, Science China in Chemistry(Springer)

Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, CAS
457 Zhongshan Road Dalian, China 116023
E-mail: wuzs@dicp.ac.cn

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