In a new invited review paper published in the National Science Review, Co-authors Zhong-Shuai Wu, Xinliang Feng at the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research in Mainz and Hui-Ming Cheng at Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science in China, present the latest advances in on-chip graphene-based planar micro-supercapacitors (MSCs) for on-chip energy storage. They firstly describe the history of the development of supercapacitors, and thus review representative graphene-based materials, typical microfabrication strategies, different electrolytes, and device configurations (symmetric and asymmetric) for the manufacture of MSCs. These scientists likewise outline the potential development directions of future graphene-based MSCs.

They highlighted graphene-based MSCs can fully utilize the planar geometry and advantageous features of graphene for on-chip energy storage. "The current advancement of graphene-based MSCs should address the urgent need for micro-scale energy storage," they add. "Graphene-based MSCs promise ultrahigh energy and power micro-electrochemical energy-storage devices that are able to offer enough energy and satisfy the peak power required for a great number of applications in miniaturized electronic devices."
Notably, this work was highlighted by several important media, like Science Blog, ScienceNet and Eurekalert! This paper was listed as the Top 1st Most Read Article during February 2014, and currently is the most cited article in Materials Science aspect of this esteemed NSR journal.
See the article: Z.-S. Wu, X. Feng, H.-M. Cheng, Recent Advances in Graphene-Based Planar Micro-Supercapacitors for on-Chip Energy Storage, National Science Review 2014, 1 (2): 277-292. DOI:10.1093/nsr/nwt003
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