On Oct. 12, 2016, the Issue of Statistics Data of Chinese S&T papers reported the latest results of Chinese scientific and technical papers statistics. Currently, the total number of the highly cited international papers from China is ranking 3rd in the whole world, after the United States and the UK.
In addition, the statistical results published the ten highest-cited papers in China over the past decade (2006-2016), and six papers from the field of chemistry and materials science. The major completed institutions (University & Institute) of ten papers include South China University of technology, Institute of Metal Research of Chinese Academy of Sciences (IMR, CAS), BGI, Tsinghua University, Fudan University, Nanjing University, China University of Science and Technology. It is highlighted that the team headed by Prof. Hui-Ming Cheng (Ph.D advisor of Dr.Wu), from IMR, CAS, contributed two of these Top 10 highly cited papers, ranking the No.4 and No.10, respectively.

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Notably, Prof.Wu s first-authored ACS Nano article, entitled “Graphene Anchored with Co3O4 Nanoparticles as Anode of Lithium Ion Batteries with Enhanced Reversible Capacity and Cyclic Performance”, with the citation of 1117 times, is ranking the 10th of Top 10 highly-cited Paper in China. Big congratulation to Prof.Wu on his outstanding contribution.
See the article: Z.-S. Wu, W. Ren, L. Wen, L. Gao, J. Zhao, Z. Chen, G. Zhou, F. Li, H.-M. Cheng, Graphene Anchored with Co3O4 Nanoparticles as Anode of Lithium Ion Batteries with Enhanced Reversible Capacity and Cyclic Performance, ACS Nano 2010, 4 (6): 3187-3194. DOI:10.1021/nn100740x