2019 marks the 70th founding anniversary of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).As a long-term partner of CAS, ACS is very pleased to celebrate its 70th anniversary by highlighting 70 articles contributed by CAS researchers.

“Congratulations on the 70th Anniversary of the Chinese Academy of Sciences! As a foreign member of CAS, I have enjoyed extensive collaborations with colleagues in China. CAS researchers are playing an increasingly critical role in the global chemistry community, which is reflected by the high-quality articles they published in prestigious ACS journals, includingJournal of the American Chemical Society. We look forward to engaging more Chinese researchers as authors, reviewers, Editors, and Editorial Advisory Board members forJACSand other ACS journals in the future.”JACSEditor-in-Chief, Professor Peter J. Stang.
Please enjoy our article published in ACS journals:
Ti3C2 MXene-Derived Sodium Potassium Titanate Nanoribbons for High-Performance Sodium Potassium Ion Batteries with Enhanced Capacities.pdf