Graphene,a single layer of graphite,has been one of the first real two dimensional (2D) materials isolated in 2004.Thus,graphene is becoming a cutting edge material that opens up new horizons to a whole family of 2D materials beyond the limited current applicability of graphene.The unique advantages of graphene and analogue 2D materials,such as atomic-scale thickness,high specific surface area, mechanically flexible robustness,superior storage capacity,endow them as high-performance electrodes for electrochemical energy storage devices.Although it is hard to say whether or not graphene and 2D materials will be implemented in future energy technologies,the recent achievements in this field demonstrate that their roles will be noticeable in the near future.
In view of the rapid development and great success obtained in this field,we feature this special topic of Graphene and 2D Materials for Energy Storage,publishing fundamental and applied research of the highest quality and impact covering five large aspects of graphene&2D materials for advanced energy storage systems,including but not limited to (i) controlled preparation and characterization of new-generation graphene,MXene,MoS2,metal oxide,and polymer nanosheets;(ii) elaborated assembly of new-type 1D graphene fibers,2D nanoarchitectures, and 3D porous interconnected networks;(iii) supercapacitors,micro-supercapacitors,asymmetric supercapacitors&lithium ion capacitors;(iv) Li/Na/K ion batteries,Li-S batteries and other batteries;(v) new materials,new concepts,&new device geometries,with a focus on the advanced progress of graphene and other 2D nanosheets for flexible and new-concept energy storage devices.
This topic contains 19 contributions,including 2 perspectives,10 reviews,1 communication and 6 original research articles,specifically selected from the world-leading experts working in this field of graphene and 2D materials for energy storage,because we hope they will give you new ideas.We believe that this special topic dedicated to the energy chemistry of graphene and 2D materials undoubtedly represents an insightful and comprehensive opportunity for the researchers and scientists in this field.Meanwhile,we would like to take this visible opportunity to express our sincere greeting to all the authors,reviewers,editors and publishing staffs for their great efforts and invaluable contributions for the publication of this special topic.Finally,we invite you to read the articles in this topic and see what ideas resonate with you and might be used in your future research works