H.D. Shi, C.F. J. Zhang, P.F. Lu, Y.F. Dong, P.C. Wen, Z.-S. Wu,*
ACS Nano, 2019, 13, 12, 14308-14318.
DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.9b07710 [PDF]

Li-metalanode is widely acknowledged as the ideal anode forhigh-energy-density batteries, but seriously hindered by the uncontrollabledendritegrowth and infinitely volume change. To this goal, seeking suitable stable scaffolds fordendrite-freeLianodeswith large current density (> 5 mA cm-2) andhighLi loading (> 90%) are highly in demand. Herein, aconductiveandlithiophilicthree-dimensional (3D)MXene/graphene(MG) framework is demonstrated fordendrite-freeLi-metalanode. Benefiting from itshighsurface area (259 m2 g-1) and lightweight nature with uniformly dispersedlithiophilicMXenenanosheets as Li nucleation sites, the as-formed 3D MG scaffold showcases an ultrahigh Li content (~92% of the theoreticalcapacity), as well as strong capabilities in suppressing the Li-dendrites formation and accommodating the volume changes. Consequently, the MG based electrode exhibitshighCoulombic efficiencies (~99%) with a record lifespan up to 2700 h, and is stable for 230 cycles at an ultrahigh current density of 20 mA cm-2. When coupled with Li4Ti5O12 or sulfur, the MG-Li/Li4Ti5O12 full-cell offers an enhancedcapacityof 142 mAh g-1 after 450 cycles while the MG-Li/sulfur cell delivers improved rate performance, implying the great potential of this 3D MG framework for building long lifetime,high-energy-density batteries.