2015 Best Paper Award in National Science Review
Posted:2016-06-23    Column:2016News

Recently, 2015 Best Paper was awarded to Prof. Wu, Prof.Xinliang Feng and Prof.Hui-Ming Cheng for their excellent highly cited review paper published in the journal National Science Review, selected from all the published papers in this journal. Congratulations!

National Science Review is a new journal aimed at reviewing cutting-edge developments across science and technology in China and around the world, and this journal covers all areas of the natural sciences, including physics and mathematics, chemistry, life sciences, earth sciences, materials sciences, and information sciences. Impressively, its first Impact Factor in 2015 is as highas 8, ranked 5 out of 63 in Si:Multidisciplinary Sciences!

Graphene-based micro-supercapacitors with a planar geometry are promising micro-electrochemical energy-storage devices that can take full advantage of planar configuration and unique features of graphene. In 2014, Prof. Wu and co-authors reviewed the latest advances in on-chip graphene-based planar micro-supercapacitors for on-chip energy storage. Notably, this work was also highlighted by several important media, like Science Blog, Science Net and Eurekalert! 


See the article: Z.-S.Wu, X.L. Feng, H.-M. Cheng, Recent Advances in Graphene-Based Planar Micro-Supercapacitors for on-Chip Energy Storage, National Science Review 2014,1 (2): 277-292.  DOI:10.1093/nsr/nwt003

Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, CAS
457 Zhongshan Road Dalian, China 116023
E-mail: wuzs#dicp.ac.cn

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